Successfully of Eyes Screening in Prek Toal village


Greetings from Hoksan, a villager from Prek Toal and the Managing Director of Prek Toal Tours & Travel.

I am writing this email on behalf of my community, Prek Toal village.  We would like to express our deep appreciation for the help and support that you have offered to my community.
I feel very grateful to you and your team for spending your valuable time in working hard with the eyes screening clinic in Prek Toal.

I am very happy that I have a chance to work with you and your team from The Fred Hollows Foundation - Cambodia. You and your team worked so hard with 79 villagers. I thank you for the success of this project, as well as for your contribution to my community’s eye care.

I would like to run these clinics every six months if that’s possible. I would appreciate it if your organization and team agrees to keep working with our community. I am looking forward to hearing any suggestions or advice you can give me.

Thank you all once again for helping our community. I will keep in touch with you for our community and relationship.

With warmest regards,

Hoksan AN

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